Monday, May 26, 2014

Countdown - Week 20 ~ I like my birthdays, every one! VWU

Sorry I got behind on Elder Vester's posts. In this weeks email he mentioned that he didn't have any pictures for this week. So the pictures that I will post are from a few weeks ago. He is doing great! - ENJOY


So, no pics today. We're in the Colville stake center, sending emails, so I cant send photos. haha.
But, get ready for an explosion next week!
So, there has been lots of adventures this week.
The reason you all did not get an email last monday, was because we went to the temple. 
In this mission, we can go every 3 months. However, we have to trade our p-day for the day that we are going to the temple. So, friday we went.
And holy cow. It was the most amazing thing ever. <3 I got to see some new things, and I loved every minuet of it. 
We also went on a hike as a zone 2 p-days ago. I got to meet some pretty neat people.
Um, last wendsay we had a tri-zone conference. We all went down to Spokane, and it was amazing. I've never had such a meaningful conference. We had this really cool practice, where missionaries had to go out into the street, find someone to come into the building, and then another companionship was assigned to teach whoever came,  in front of all of us.
that was so neat. I understand a lot better about just how much people retain in the lessons. And how much we need to focus on the Atonement of Christ, and the first vision. Very powerful experience.
And, I'
l'll just share another tender mercy.
Sunday was my birthday. I reflected a lot on what I was doing a year ago. I remembered the Piries family, and just how amazing they were. I remembered the 3 cakes they made for my birthday, and the amazing relationship I had with Evaldo and Michelle.
Sunday morning, we got a text from the old stake president, who goes to our branch. Joyce, the brasilian girl I am teaching, decided she needed to go to our church.
And lo and be hold, she was there.
I had a brasilian at church for my birthday.
I was estatic. <3
I love this all so much.
And I'll see you all next week!
~Elder Vester

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