Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Week 18 ~ Jesus Grafitti is super Thug:VWU

Elder Vester is doing well. Keep him in your prayers that they will find those that are seeking.
The best Graffiti ever

Long boring week was long and boring.
My shoes after 2 months (I hope they make it!)
Jones and I only taught about 22 lessons, and we're having a lot of struggles with some of the people we're teaching. But, all is well.
This last week has been full of drunk people. A drunk guy came up to me a few days ago, and told me I was super ugly.... But that he was just kidding? I dunno. He also talked about a bunch of weird stuff. I guess I'm OK with Drunk Brazilians thinking I am ugly.

This week, has truly been an answer to many, many prayers. Every night, and every morning, I have been praying that my ears would be opened, and my tongue would be loosed. And this week, the many prayers that I have prayed, and the many prayers that I know others have offered in my behalf, have been answered in part. I think it was about Wednesday or so, I don't really quite know, but what I do know, is that I understand. I understand almost everything of what people say. (Minus little Brazilian dogmas), but I know the Lord has opened my ears, so that I can first learn to listen to the people. Once I learn to truly listen, and love the people I am teaching, I know the speaking will come. I am a little frustrated that I can hear and understand, but cannot express myself very well. All in due time. The Lord has already been so merciful with his blessings in my life, and I an so grateful for his hand; I would knew nothing, and would not be able to understand Portuguese without his help. 
Lovai a Deus! Glorias e hosannas á nome de altísimo!
The Lord truly loves his people, and blesses them according to their Faith, and diligence. This, I have a truly strong testimony of. When we exercise our faith, and put our trust in him, he responds with blessings. He grants his Tender Mercies, and sometimes we don't even realize it.
Praise to God! Hosannas and Glories to the name of the Most High!

I love to count my blessings, and to thank my Heavenly Father for them, one, by one. It makes me feel so warm, and loved when I realize all the blessings the Lord has given me. I am truly grateful for this Gospel, and this work.
I can finally understand Alma " Oh that I were an Angel, and have the desire of my heart to preach repentance and the love of God till he comes in his glory; But I am mere human, and am selfish in my desire."
I want this gift for everyone. <3 I don't think 2 years will be enough. So I'll work as hard as I can, to share the love of God with as many as I can.

Thank you all for the many emails I receive each week. I feel bad that I am unable to email you back. But know that I read them. each and every single one, and I am so grateful for all of your love for me. <3
Know that I think of you often, and thank the Lord for the many wonderful memories that I share with all of you.

And with this, I will see you all next week.
And Mayhaps I will have bought something fancy.
Com Amor
 ~Élder Vester
A "unity exercise" in our last district meeting.

A little bag I crocheted for elder Woodmansee's birthday

A super weird bridge we found in our area. I like it. :

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